Connecting Our Lives and Faith Through






Sunday Livestream Worship

 EUMC   Worship Service at 9:00  & 11:00 A.M.
Each week's video will be kept up here until the following Sunday.  
Visit our Facebook page to see an archive of all past worship service. 


Etowah UMC (Etowah, NC)
Minister of Music

Status: Part Time Position; 15 hours per week on average
Pay: $450 per week; PTO available

Supervision: Reports to the Senior Pastor. The Staff Parish Relations Committee provides evaluation and feedback. There will be an SPRC Member assigned to the employee.

Duties and Qualifications:
  • Prefer someone who can play the keyboard and piano. Other instruments considered. Example: Organ.
  • Some music college experience is preferred.
  • Needed for Sunday Morning Worship and other seasonal/special events.
  • Previous church work is preferred. Knowledge of UMC music is preferred including Traditional and Contemporary.
  • Needs to plan music that the church has rights to livestream.
  • In addition to playing and singing themselves, the Minister of Music will coordinate volunteers and paid musicians to assist with the music.
  • Coordinate volunteer sound board engineers.
  • Prepare a rehearsal schedule to conduct the choir and praise team.
  • Director will plan the music in collaboration with the Pastor’s vision for each service, and submit song information for inclusion in the order of worship.
  • Familiar with technology and sound system equipment.
  • Familiar with electronic music library software.
  • Provide updates to Connectional Table and Church Council.

To Apply: email Richard Buff your resume at

Upcoming Events at EUMC

We are an active church community. Check out our upcoming events on our calendar and future highlighted events.

Office Hours

Mon - Thur: 9:00am-1:00pm
Friday: 9am-noon